When the people of the country have forgotten how do disagree 
And the national economy is said to be o.k. 
And the wages that you get will help you to forget 
Will you keep your ideologies or throw them all away? 
When the system has you beaten even though 
You haven't eaten cos you can't afford 
To eat and drink to keep your brain alive 
You blame the system for the weather 
But carry on as ever you got to work 
At half past 8 and come back home after 5 
You can go blue in the face talking about the human race 
How they got to outer space but it never stopped the wars 
And how the whole of this humanity is based on greed and vanity 
The ones who make decisions are the ones who make the laws 
You're still in this society so what's your main priority? 
Remain in the majority who never really cared? 
Or cultivate the hate to annihilate the state 
Are you prepared to die for your beliefs or just to dye your hair? 
The anarchist the nihilist but can you prove that you exist 
To a population who just insist that you're just a bunch of fakes? 
You can not change the system until you change your own restrictions 
Communication and conviction got to kick until it breaks